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We ♥ Hill Shade!

Several months ago, when we announced that we were headed back on the road, a reader named Summer left this comment over at WSLW:

"If you head down through Texas I know some tree hugging,
Jesus loving, hippies that own a small RV park."

Sweeeeeeeet! We were all over that one. Summer left me the web address of Hill Shade RV Park and of the owner's blog. I started to read through it, and I knew instantly that we would be spending time there.

Michael and Christine were in full time ministry for 20+ years and last year, they followed Jesus down an interesting (and sometimes scary) road. They left it all and bought an RV park in the middle of Texas. Oh, and did I mention that they have 5 kids? They are an amazing bunch and it's been such a blessing to live in community with them.

We've been at Hill Shade for almost 2 weeks and we love it. We're planning on staying at least another 6 weeks while Matt works on different projects for them around the park. We're one hour from Austin (love love love that town!) and one hour from San Antonio. We're 11 miles from the closest town, and we have longhorns for neighbors. The pastures are so green and beautiful and the wildflowers are a truly splendid sight. I now understand why people love Texas. Well, until summer hits anyway! I hear it gets pretty toasty warm 'round these parts.

Bella is in heaven...because their youngest daughter, Precious, is 7 years old. They tear up this place on their bikes every day and run, run, run until sunset. Tonight, Precious was gone to town for a few hours and I Bella was in full "friend withdrawl". I think she said "I'm bored!" 10 times in one hour.

They have 4 other kiddos, Mackenzie, Andrew, Rocky, & Marah...each one unique and wonderful in their own way. There is always something new and exciting going on around here.

Christine and I have much in common...we both love Jesus, we both have dreads, we unschool our kids, we like chia and green smoothies, and she doesn't complain when I bring her green curry. She's sassy and hilarious...and has the cutest southern drawl. Her blog is a hoot...her writing is irreverant and funny, and she tackles the big issues with ease.

The girl loves her coffee...every morning I see her doing her rounds in the park with a steamy cuppa joe in her hands.

Michael and Matt are having fun together too. The first 18 years of Michael's ministry was spent in youth ministry. Matt has a degree in youth ministry. Lots of stories to tell. Michael is trying to suck Matt into his sports watching obsession...but so far that isn't working. Both of their wives have dreads, and they both prefer that their hippie wives continue shaving their legs and armpits. Love those guys together.

We have an endless supply of farm fresh eggs (Christine takes Bella with her to pick them at a neighbor's house and then delivers them right to my door!). There is nothing quite like an egg that has been picked that very same day...yummy.

We have waters to test and docks to walk. There is a retired science teacher who lives just down the road and he has been showing Bella how to pick the wild onions in his yard and the wildflowers that are indiginous to this area. He's traveled the world and has the artifacts to prove it...such interesting people in the heart of Texas!

We've already had our dear friends, Dan and Alicia (along with their 4 kids) here for 11 days (more blogs on their visit soon!)...and now my parents will be coming down next week (yay!). Chris and Cherie of Technomadia fame will roll in right after they leave. After that, we have the NuRVer's rally, and hopefully more friends coming by to stay awhile! We're looking forward to all the excitement. Even in writing this, my heart leaps because we just love it here so much. Thanks Michael and Christine...and to Summer for planting a seed that has blossomed into a lifetime friendship.

You can see all the photos I've posted so far in the Hill Shade RV gallery. There will be more coming as I recap the Thiede's stay, but you can have a preview there :)


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Reader Comments (17)

so fun! so glad I was able to meet up with you guys!


March 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike Hedge

I have been following your journey for a few weeks now and I just want to check in and say you all are so inspiring! We are getting ready to move from DC to the mountains, and while we aren't on the move like you are, your family has inspired me to make good green choices about our new living situation! Thank you so much, I just wanted to let you know you have inspired another couple...

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

What a wonderful community you have all built there for a while. Sounds like a great experience. :)

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdenise

We're looking forward to getting out there and joining up with you guys. See you in a couple weeks!

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCherie / Technomadia

Sounds like a beautiful place you are visiting. I love your photography too:)

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

so much love in this post, it's radiating!

i have a good word from a funny bird that we should be seeing you soon. ;)

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter~Tara

It sounds like the perfect place for unschoolers. :) What a fun time you guys must be having! Thanks so much for sharing.

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Reaux

Looks like so much fun and excitement!!

March 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkristen

this feels kinda strange to me, cuz you dont know me from adam, but, me, hubby and son (8) would like to come hangout with all yall. lol. ive read your blog since before dreads, however long that was, and met you briefly when yall were in plano, TX. were older than you younguns, but we have the same story and similar beliefs. we have no tribe, its lonely out here! thinkin bout the nuRVrally, although we dont have one, the house is for sale, but we might gain some inspiration or get some good ideas. whataya think?

March 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbeverly russo

Sure! Come on out! If you have a tent, you could camp in that during the rally...there is space.
Email me directly if you have


March 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara

I'm so glad you had fun, and a bit jealous that I'm not down there. :)

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSummer

So much love here~

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCat

So glad that Bella has a good friend to play with, they look completely happy in that photo. We just moved, and I'm working my hardest to find my daughter a lovely friend her age to play with.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertinytwistcreative

came here to check out your green smoothie (via boho) and noticed that you are currently down the road from where i live. be sure to visit san marcos & the river while you are in the area. you won't be disappointed. it will be warm enough to swim all week.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteramy

Beautiful place, beautiful people!! Very inspiring families living a worthwhile, purpose driven life!! Thanks for sharing!!

March 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

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December 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfghfgh

I know this is an old post but new to me! And I was reading through it and was like," I know that blonde women who has this RV place!" But how? I live way up in NE Indiana. And then I saw the picture of her peering over he coffee cup and BAM! I know from where!! I LOVE her attachment videos on youtube! As an adoptive mom myself with a child who has attachment issue I found Christine one day and have shared her videos many times with others. I had no idea they had an RV park somewhere. We will be RVing full time with our family of 7 as soon as we sell our house =) Small world!

July 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJen

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