Modern Nomadic Living eCourse

We've been on the road for 3 years now and we have a lot of knowledge to share. On our blogs, we normally share the exciting adventures we have, but not always the logistics of life on the road. Questions like...
"How can I make enough money to live on the road full time?"
"How do you find the best campgrounds?"
"Is a Class A Motorhome better than a Fifth Wheel?"
"Are you required to put kids in carseats while you drive?"...and more!
We are currently writing our first eCourse, "Modern Nomadic Living"...and we are super excited to make this available to you! We don't have a launch date yet, but we wanted to let you know that it's coming.
And, we would love to hear your most pressing questions about life on the road so that we can make sure to address it in the course.
Stay tuned for more details soon! In the meantime, we are offering one-on-one coaching sessions for those of you who need answers NOW :) These sessions will help to inspire you and get you on the road as fast as possible. Contact us for rates and scheduling info.

Reader Comments (32)
This is definitely something I want to learn more about. Chad and I have been talking about it off and on for a few years now. Look forward to seeing more on this!
Oh, I look forward to this e-course!
Some of my questions are: If you have a house and furniture, do you sell it? Keep it in storage?
I love the idea of this lifestyle, but can it work for a family of 6?
I will definitely be on the look-out for info/sign ups!
Do you have any tips for single moms who would love to explore the country rv style with her kids?
Hey! Congrats on 3 years of living freely! It's been my long-time dream to full time in an RV, and recently my husband has gotten on board with this. When I found your site I was awe-struck by our creative similarities! You've authored my dream blog, LOL!! I am very happy to hear you're working on an e-course, I was literally *JUST TODAY* wishing that you featured some sort of how-to on your blogs! The timing makes me smile.
Questions I've had recently: What is one really looking for in terms of purchasing one's first rig? When buying a used RV, what are the most important things to consider in terms of safety, durability, and mileage (obviously doesn't matter if you have a 5th wheel). What are decent starting-prices for the various different types of rigs?
Have a beautiful week and thank you for living your dreams <3
Oh I am so excited about this!! My hubby and I and our 6 kids are planning on hitting the road next July. I have so many questions! Obviously about making $$ and chosing a rig, but also your kids safety while your out and about, what do you do with treacherous weather in an RV, can you remodel everything like moving sinks and such, how do you network with other families on the road, how to chose a good park, am I bombarding you???
I cannot wait to hear all the wisdom you have to share!
We've been following your blog for some time now and have set a target date for our own departure next June. My wife will probably add some questions of her own, but here are some of the one's that I've been thinking of:
- Do you find that 40ft is too long for some campgrounds locations? What is the optimal size?
- How do you fill your days when not blogging and hooping :-)
- How do you get a little kid-free time?
- Do you use solar panels for boondocking? How many? How many batteries?
- How often do you need to refill water and empty grey water / black water?
- How long do you boondock at any one stretch?
- Are they any regulations or licensing issues to be aware of?
- How difficult is it to rework the interior of an RV/ 5th wheel trailer? What are some techniques, things to watch for?,
- How do you receive mail and / or shipments?
...and much much more?
Thanks for the great info, the great posts, and the inspiration,
Sara--First off, I very much enjoy your blog(s). I find them quite inspirational.
WRT your E-Course. I would very much like to travel the U.S. with my family--probably not for years as you have, but for 4-6 months. Given that, would your recommendations be any different for short-term RVers? I'm also interested in learning more about budgeting and expenses? How much should we save up if we want to travel for 6 months or so?
Looking forward to it!
Wea re a family of 7 planning to get out on the road ASAP... we have made lots of preparations now all we need is the RV!! LOL Can't wait and I look forward to learning more. As for now... between you and The Ticknor Tribe ( for anyone interseted in RV life for large families) I am learning oodles!!
As for my questions...
How difficult and expensive is it to convert to veggie oil?
Do you know of a large family friendly RV park site?
What groups are y'all members of? (ex. NuRVer's, Campers for Christ, ect) And Do you enjoy them?
That is a really great idea! I absolutely love when people use what they have to help others and help support themselves. This is so neat and I cannot wait to know more. We may very well partake in this program. Good luck with it!!
Great idea!
My biggest question would be about food. We are a gluten and dairy free family. We can actually get very sick. Along with that we try to eat only a small amount of sugar and no dyes. We hardy eat meat anymore. We are lucky to live in an area that grocery stores carry a lot of the food we eat. However I wonder how this would play out when traveling.
Another question would be managing the work and travel together. I would like to know how that plays out. How much do you work vs how much do you travel.
What to look for in a RV. How do you decide what is best for your family. What questions should we ask ourselves.
What about your drivers license. What happens when they expire? What address do you use?
I look forward to reading your e-course. We have plans for traveling in 2-3 years. This will give us time to wrap things up and learn more.
Great idea, I look forward to the e-course.
One of the questions my husband asks frequently is how do you find the good campgrounds. Where do you park if you visit family/friends in the middle of the city and they have no RV space? Do you have some sort of health insurance?
The one question I had is do you ever get completely overwhelmed travelling? Finding healthy groceries? Are you super organized and pre-planning or winging it and letting life show you the way?
Thanks a bunch!
I am very excited about the ecourse. My husband and I have been wanting to travel the country for awhile and I've recentley gotten him interested in the idea of long term RVing. Besides some questions that have already been asked, I've been wondering about one's snail mail while on the road. Also how do you manage the small towns in a big rig? My husband is worried about visiting his hometown (an old eastcoast small town). I'll be looking forward to gleening as much as I can from your knowledge on this subject/lifestyle! Thank you!
Hi Sara and family!!!
Oh, this is lovely! I've been toying the idea around with my family for several years now because we love camping so very much. After my husband's recent and shocking heart attack (he's only 34) we've come to a realization of what is really important to us! He's wanting to up and go and enjoy all his time with us and now I need to find a way to make money that goes wherever we go in our little camper. We're already on limited funds as is and with the housing market the way it is I don't see us clearing what we would love to. But we are reallly stuck on making creative money on the road. Any tips for a family that can clean, do handy man work, and loves animals that could make enough money to support our travels? We'd be quite interested in that one.
By the way, congratulations on your third year! That is so exciting. I am so proud of your family! You guys inspire us with every post!
So excited to get more info on this. Glad to have you guys pave the way!
Excited about this!
Hi! I am SOOO excited you are doing this e-course. Some questions:
-How much $$ should one have saved before heading out?
-What were the most unexpected costs?
-Once the rig is parked, how do you get into town or travel when you don't want to unhook the house?
-Did you have any fears before heading out that you later realized were unfounded?
-Any advice for talking to extended family members that might not understand your choice to pick up and drive?
-Any advice for people that might not have a network of friends and family all around the country?
-I have to imagine it must be a different experience for extroverts and introverts. I'm a super shy person. Do you think that might be a hinderance with this nomadic lifestyle?
Thank you for opening this forum up to us to ask you questions :-)
This is fabulous! I just found your blog a week ago and one day our family hopes to pursue traveling atleast "part time"....
i just discovered you today from hip mountain mama and now on twitter. i'm just so excited and inspired by what you are doing. good for you for launching an e-course. i started my first one this past january (inside out: a creative adventure of self-discovery) and it has been an amazing experience. we have a lot in common it seems...would love to chat more.
one thing i'm really curious about as i continue to reduce clutter to create space for what matters most in life...and contemplating a simpler life...with more do you ever miss being a consistent part of a community? i would love to hear more about meeting people, making new friends, learning from the places and people you travel to, and how it is when you leave, how do you keep your connections etc.
ohhhh. so looking forward to this e-course! very cool.
Id like to hear a chapter on safety... safety in Rv parks... with kids? Ive always wondered how safe RV parks are!
I am definitely looking forward to your answers! I was just wondering why your family chose an RV over a Truck and 5th wheel. How do you get around in the cities you are stopped in? I was thinking at least if you had a truck and 5th wheel you could un-hitch and drive around.
I am going to school to be a nurse. Do you think that my career would be compatible with this type of lifestyle, or do I need to be self-employed like you?