39 Floors Above Vegas

A few months ago, I got this message on Flickr:
Are you a homeschoolin' RV mama? I know, strange question, lol. Someone suggested I find 'delight' on here since I'm about to go RV'ing for a little bit, and I'm wondering if you are she!
I wrote Tiffani back and assured that I "I am she". :) I started following her amazing Flickr stream...and realized that she is a total freak about photography, just like me. We sent a few more messages...and I always looked forward to her photos. I also started reading her blog, Child's Play.
Then, a few days before we were leaving Vegas, I got another message that said she was going to BE IN VEGAS for 3 days! Yay! That's what I'm talkin' about. Tiffani was going to be tagging along to Vegas while her husband attended a convention there. They left the kiddos with Grandma.
After a few failed attempts at connecting, we were finally able to make it happen. We picked her up at the Four Seasons (where Matt happened to walk right by Cameron Diaz!) and we headed out for Thai food. Afterwards, we hung out in her huge hotel room on the 39th floor. Our ears popped as we were going up there!
Lucy loved sitting at the window and looking at the pretty lights. We were so high up that it kind of made us dizzy looking down to the ground!
We all curled up in the cushy bed and giggled like we were having a slumber party. It was a good time.
We had such fun talking about unschooling, photography, Jason Mraz, and life in an RV. It's really amazing how we can feel like old friends in such a short time thanks to the connection we had online. Can't wait to run into this family again on the road somewhere...
You can check out her sweet blog here.
And her Flickr stream here.
Photos from our time together here.
All photos available for comment on Flickr here.