Making Dreads

After Phoenix, we headed down to Sierra Vista, AZ. Our purpose there was two-fold. To meet up with James, Jennie, and Valentine and to visit the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.
We camped at the Thunderbird Mobile Home & RV Park...a little park right in town that is about as old school as you can get. I'm talkin' 'bout hand written receipt, figured out by calculator, by the adorable old lady kind of old school. Lovin' it. It was nothing fancy, but it was just a mile away from our friends...and location is KEY! They did have cable available...but you had to go down to the cable company and ask for a box. We figured we would be ok for one night ;-)
Bella had a nice patch of dirt to call home in front of the RV and she was happy. We got settled and headed over to have supper with James, Jennie, and Valentine (don't you just love that name?!). Jennie and I connected online when their family was buying an RV to travel/live in. You can more about their adventures on her blog.
Jennie had prepared a delicious meal of organic goodness. Green salad with goji berries + coconut peanut dressing, quinoa, stir-fried veggies, lettuce wraps, and a bean/corn concoction that was really yummy. We followed it all up with a Coconut Bliss + Newman's Own Oreo + Almond Milk shake. Totally delish. This family knows how we like to eat!
After supper we sat down on the couch and put dreads in Jennie's hair! Yay for dreads. She totally rocks them!
We chatted and watched movies while we backcombed and backcombed. Valentine is just a few months older than Lucy and they spent their time toddling and crawling around the living room. They hung in there just long enough for us to finish in record time...2 hours!
The next day, we met up at the RV and headed over to the Tree of Life. More on that in the next post!
Photos from Sierra Vista here.
All photos available for comment on Flickr here.