
Sometimes plans work out so perfectly, that there is no denying that God had his hand in it! I had been corresponding with a blog reader, Debi, about her new dreads and she casually mentioned that her daughter lived in the LA area and that they had room for an RV. We were far from California at the time, so I just tucked that information back in my brain.
Fast forward a few months and we were trying to decide where to fly home from, where to park the RV, etc. I remembered that Debi had said this and sure enough, her daughter was willing to house our 40 foot rolling house while we went back to the Midwest. We ended up getting really cheap tickets out of LAX, which was just a short shuttle ride from their house. The RV fit pefectly next to their it was made for that spot!The best part is that Debi's daughter, Michelle and her husband Greg have 3 little who is the same age as Bella. When we arrived on their doorstep, those girls disappeared and only resurfaced for food! They loved playing together and we loved sharing life with this sweet family.
When we came back from the Midwest, we were able to meet Debi and her husband as well, which was a treat! Another wonderful connection made through this crazy blogging world.
I was able to reconnect one more time with Stephanie before we left at a cute coffee shop in Ventura. We had a great time talking about dreads, life on the ride, campgrounds, babies, and stuff :) We are so blessed to have dear friends all across the country. We feel at home wherever we go!
Photos from Camrillo here.
Photos are available for comment on Flickr.