NüRVer Kids

At last year's NüRVers rally, there were NO kids in attendance. This year, there were EIGHT! Add Michael and Christine's five kids, and we had a grand total of 13 kiddos at the rally. They brought a beautiful energy and excitement to each day for us...there was always something going on.
We could have held an unschooling rally as well, within the NüRVers rally! Every last family was an unschooling family...with many of the parents being passionate and gifted communicators on the subject. We had some excellent discussions and were inspired daily!
Looking out our kitchen window at any given moment during the day provided a view of the community trampoline...filled with little balls of energy bouncing up and down. The kids LOVED that trampoline. It became their common meeting area, napping place, and dance hall all in one.
Legos and HeroScape were also a big part of their day...along with "sword fighting" with the foam and piping swords that they created.
We were very lucky to have several artists in our midst during the rally who donated their time and energy to help the kids have a great experience. Michelle, a jewelry designer for 10 years, taught a kids' jewelry class and the girls LOVED it. They all made earrings and bracelets were thrilled with their creations.
Chris, who is an amazing classically trained sculptor, taught the kids how to sculpt dragons with wire and a special clay. They were mesmerized...this class was definitely a hit! Tara wrote a beautiful blog post about Zeb's experience and how Chris has impacted his life. Be sure to read it!
And most importantly...the kids were kids. They played and played and played. They created. They ran. They jumped. They sang. They danced. They disagreed. They laughed. They were magical. They have created friendships that will last a lifetime...it will be so fun to see them grow as we come back together year after year.
Reader Comments (7)
They were an amazing addition to the group.
Our kids were 2 and 7 when we first started camping and we camped with 5 other families with kids. One night every camp out they would rehearse all day and put on a "show." Mostly consisting of dance numbers to NSync songs but it was always priceless and a great memory now that all the kids have grown up. The adults still camp together and while it is quieter - without the kiddos, the magic is gone...all waiting for grandkids now! It is so much fun to take children camping and show them the natural world because you get to see it through their eyes and share in their excitement. If the grandkids don't come soon, we will have to go find a few to borrow for a weekend (preferably ones that have not camped before).
Hi there,
This is my first comment here but I'm a big fan of your blogs!
The whole gathering sounds great, I would love to read more about the different unschooling ideas and approaches you've learned about
The other day, when you posted about unschooling, I meant to share with you an unschooling blog I love: http://ourreportcard.blogspot.com
What an amazing time you are all having! I am so happy that you have the opportunity to experience this. It sounds just yummy and magical.
Love the post and the pics. What wonderful images and ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!
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